Score! I'm sitting here surrounded by the lovely scent of a few fresh-cut lilacs...their fragrant sprigs permeating and intoxicating my imagination. For me, they herald May and mid-Spring in a way that no other flower can. Honestly, I can hone in on them like radar while driving. Like an addict, I scour the moving landscape with my keen eye for the purple cones, knowing full well that I only have a few short weeks in which to pilfer them from abandoned lots and properties. Never have I deprived myself of this vice or...when I owned homes, I planted them in my yards...when I did not own homes, I planted them in pots. I have a compulsive dependency on lilacs, for when they are not in bloom (which is most of the year) I have my stash of lilac essential oil to tide me over. My parents injected me with my first dose of lilac obsession by lining two sides of our property with a wall of lavender, deep purple and white varieties. I am hopelessly incurable during the enticement of their blissful bloom. Mark Twain must have loved lilacs, too, because he once said:
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the lilac sheds on the heel that has crushed it." Do you think he'd mind too terribly much that I just substituted one itsy bitsy word in his quote...from violet to lilac?
©2012 Debbie Ballard (text only)