Monday, March 31, 2014

Stepping stones to a new paradigm...

Remote Viewing has been tested, researched, scrutinized and dissected for, at least, the last 4 decades. As you can imagine, there is much that has been discovered over those years!  Protocols have been morphed in to standardized perfection and various successful applications have been developed. From the devoted work of the ‘founding fathers,’ to the evolving skill of tomorrow’s novice, RV fits like a glove to anyone who takes the time to tap in to their own innate ability. It’s not quite magic, but almost. And the nice thing is, RV is a constant work in progress.
At one beautiful location, with back-to-back conferences spanning from June 23 -29, 2014, you can learn from and tete-a-tete with some of the best and brightest minds of the Remote Viewing world to date:
Marty Rosenblatt, Pam Coronado, Joe McMoneagle, Dr. Paul H. Smith, Dean Radin, Dr. Eben Alexander, Skip Atwater, Glenn B. Wheaton, Dave Silverstein, Debra Lynne Katz, MSW, James Spottiswoode, Dr. Angela Thompson Smith, Greg Kolodziejzyk, Nancy Du Terte, John Kortum, Christopher Barbour, Graham Nichols, William ‘Bill’ Ray, & John G. Kruth to name a few.  

YOU are invited to be a part of this exciting new RV paradigm movement, too!

Explore these sponsoring sites for additional information:
***Watch for more exclusive articles by the National Remote Viewing Examiner on these upcoming RV Conferences within the next 2 months…stay tuned!
©2014 Debbie Ballard (text only)