Friday, June 28, 2013

Attaining your dream job

How many of you could benefit from job search strategies in this tough economic market? How many of you could use some career advice in changing professions? How many of you have sat down and completed an employment path assessment to find out which occupation is actually best for you, personally? How many of you know that more and more employers are using numerology in order to assess job applicants for a specific position? If you'd like to have answers to these questions, and much more, then I suggest you buy a copy of the book 'I See Your Dream Job' by author, Sue Frederick.
Being in-between jobs myself, the timing of this offering presented me with innumerable suggestions on finding out what I truly want out of a profession. Basically, it illuminated the kind of career that is most amenable to my innermost desires. This is achieved by Sue's expert way of weaving real-life examples with a variety of exercises that include meditation, dreams, numerology and astrology. I learned about my own longings for job satisfaction in ways that I would have normally been too busy to explore.

Sue does a superb job in taking the fear and negativity that can set in when searching for your dream job and instead turning it around and giving it a boost with what she calls EPR (energetic personal resuscitation.) A much needed breath of fresh air, I assure you. I identified with her analysis of 're-invention points' that can occur throughout one's work history from time to time. But I believe Sue's best surprise gift was at the end of the book all tied up in a beautiful bow, the 'Wake-up Workbook.' Essentially, it's 'six steps in remembering what you came here to do,' which in my opinion, is absolutely necessary to help find that perfect job for YOU.

Sue's book honestly gave me the best insights on what type of job would make me happiest and I am eagerly following her guidelines for achieving that dream job we all would love to have. No wonder she is deemed the "Emeril of Enlightenment."

You can find her incredible book in hardcover, paperback or Kindle editions on:
or read more about the author and her other books and activities by going to her website:

©2013 Debbie Ballard

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