Thursday, June 06, 2013

Lost & Found

OK, it's just a piece of costume jewelry; I  know that. But I couldn't help but get excited 16 years after losing one of my earrings, only to find an exact replacement for it again with the help of today's technology: the internet. My habit of keeping the remaining solitary pieces of jewelry that are too pretty or too sentimental to discard has finally paid off.

Fancifully, I had imagined fastening these lonely pieces onto a velveteen beret one day, and displaying them like medals for their heroic fortitude of still existing without their partners. The pervasive perplexity of not knowing the fate of their lost ones has only intensified the lamentation I've accumulated about them over the years.

So, too, I hoard the impressions of those that have passed away or moved on in life; trying to restore them before their precious memories become fleeting or faded...hoping only to one day get lucky, like this day, and find them again.

©2013 Debbie Ballard

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