Leisure Time Crescent Bar Resort, near Quincy, WA June 7-20, 2005 Site 35
well what can i say? after sitting in the sun for about 15 minutes and having a banana split with breyer's cherry vanilla ice cream and hershey's chocolate syrup drizzled all over it who wouldn't feel ready to write in their blog, huh?...freedom of expression, right? if you take a look at the url you'll see where we are currently until i can figure out how to download pics...don't the basalt cliffs look like the ones in egypt before they made the dam back in the 70s?...we (the gypsy woman, my baseball-happy hubby and the RV pekingese (Rosa Victoria or Rosie for short) have been parked here for 2 weeks and last night was the first time it rained...we are right on the columbia river 7 miles away from quincy, washington usa...lot's of sun...300 days a year...some wind...crickets sing even in the daytime...lots of stars at night...very cute quail, hungarian partridges, pheasants, black billed magpies (listen to it's call on the website below) and chukars about...and every so often the air force fly boys use this area to practice manuevers...man do those jets go fast!...latino country in which i had my first barbacoa in 27 years!...barbacoa with fresh flour tortillas and chopped up onions, cilantro and salsa verde (green tomatillo sauce)...and it was absolutely delicioso! for those of you who want to know barbacoa is made from the facial muscles of a specially-cooked beef head...it is like the most tender roast beef you've ever eaten...hmmmmmmm...anyway, enough about food...this is our first trek as full-time RVers (living all year round in a motorhome) outside of being near our once former home...modern-day gypsies...with much yet to experience and discover...i'm in my element...
©2005 Debbie Ballard
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