You might want to find out where your local fallout shelters are and keep a bag packed with important stuff for your survival. April 6th is when the jetstream is supposed to carry radioactive particulates over the Western half of N. America...at the speed of a jet, mind you. Some of these chemical particles will dissipate within 8 days, but others have a shelf life that is longer than the lifespan of a human being. These particulates may be carried via rain or snow up to approximately 7500 feet (this time); that's half way up Mt. Rainier. I don't think you can necessarily 'outrun' this threat if it does materialize; it all has to do with 'where the wind will blow.' Mother nature at her best or worst, as the case may be. Of course, it's supposed to rain in the Seattle area on April 6th...lucky, eh? Might be a good idea to stay indoors! Invest in duct tape! Neptune (who just traversed in to Pisces on April 4th) happens to rule poisons. The Japanese Albacore are swimming our way. Great, huh? Pluto? Well, I don't even want to go there, right now. And to think, as a supervisor back in 1981 I was worried about a radioactive isotope spill in the laboratory I was employed in. A simple 'wipe test' indicated I wasn't going to glow in the dark, thank goodness. But, now, 30 years later, I'm not so confident. This spill is just a wee bit larger. It was nice knowing you.
http://www.civildefensemuseum.com/shelsupp.html Hey, I wonder if the lady in this picture is included with the shelter supply kit. I have an idea! Just make a radiation suit out of 'Peeps'...they, like cockroaches, can survive anything!
http://youtu.be/-Cj3hGpCHYQ©2011 Debbie Ballard
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