Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Moon Revelations

New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) in the cardinal sign of Libra at 4 degrees, opposing Uranus in the cardinal sign of Aires at 2 degrees and squaring Pluto in the cardinal sign of Capricorn at 4 degrees. Not to mention a stellium line-up in Libra (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Saturn.) Also,  Mars at 5 degrees of Leo sextile Mercury at 2 degrees of Libra and trine the Uranus position, too. Mars is also squaring Jupiter in 9 degrees of Taurus and Pluto is in trine with that Jupiter. Lining up with the galactic center is no small feat, either. Talk about loaded!

Some major points in my natal chart were abruptly influenced by these specific transits today and basically caused me to come to some instantaneous conclusions. Although these astrological configurations are not all sweetness and light, their delivered earthquake-like jolt at lightning speed today awakened me to a renewed and focused sense of purpose...it is now time for me to conduct the sojourn down the path that has been designed for my very own spirit-soul...revolutionary vision to say the least...BRING IT ON!

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How sweet it is

Once, many years ago, I was fortunate enough to attend an exhibition of a famous calligrapher at the Frye art museum in Seattle.   Her personal signature defined her work from all others by incorporating a gilded rendering of a honeybee somewhere within her alpha creations.  Once an admirer of her craftsmanship knew this, it became a fun adventure to discover this symbol within her many works of art.
Within ‘The Healing Powers’ series of books by author and fellow intuitive, Cal Orey, there is also a very unique and distinctive signature.   She skillfully interweaves an ornate combination of history & facts, myths & legends, remedies & recipes, stories & personal accounts in all of her works of literary art. Her latest contribution, ‘The Healing Powers of Honey’ is no exception and is completely dripping in the natural sweetness of this fascinating subject.

Again, it all boils down to discovery…
…starting with the first time you may have had the pleasure to drizzle this sweet nectar directly on to your tongue…
…or by spreading the whipped version across a warm piece of crunchy toast…
…or by sipping this elixir straight from its natural container and then chewing on the wax of the honeycomb…

There are thousands of things to discover about the goodness of this gift of nature within Cal’s honey book, where she leaves no hive undetected. While reading it, I stirred some fireweed honey in to a cup of hot jasmine tea, lingering for a moment within the steam of their coalesced fragrances to marvel at how the average worker honeybee makes only 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its LIFETIME! Not only that, but, in order to make a mere pound of honey, bees have to visit at least 2 million flowers! Talk about sweet indulgence! This is something I wouldn’t have known had it not been for Cal’s extensive research and it quite literally shocked me as if I had been stung by a bee. I realized at that very moment how much I had taken the magical ingredient of honey for granted and, at the same time gave me a new appreciation for the meaning of my first name, which happens to be ‘bee.’

From the famed beautifying milk and honey baths of Cleopatra, to the warm ambience glow of beeswax candles, to the unique healing power of Manuka honey, to the varietal flavors of honey from different flowers…the discovery located within the pages of Cal’s new book is an adventure in pure honey bliss!
Cal’s book release coincides with National Honey month, is published by Kensington and is available, not only through them, but also in paperback or e-book format from Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com.

To learn more about Cal Orey and her extensive world of wonderful writing go to her website:

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never forget...

For me, the date of September 11th used to represent the day my father celebrated his birthday, but all that changed in an instant 10 years ago. I'm, at least, thankful that he didn't live long enough to witness this one poignantly horrific event in history that forever changed those who did.

These immoral attacks on civility spurned just the opposite reaction than was probably intended by such drastic actions. They not only unified my country's populace at the time, but also created a solidarity between the 93 nations that also suffered a prolific commonality of loss. All precious persons who unwittingly became victims of circumstance and infamy because of these events were loved by someone, somewhere.

Conversely, the heroism, bravery and selflessness displayed in a multitude of immeasurable ways will fill a lifetime's worth of books, film, photographs, recordings and memories. People giving to complete strangers in their time of need brings us back to the humanity that should exist within all of us; stories so compelling that imagination pales in comparison to their reality.

That one morning in time was not the only example of man's inhumanity to man that has ever existed, but what it taught me, personally, was: to never take anything...or anyone...for granted.

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Friday, September 02, 2011

Back to Cool

Mercury retrograde always provides ample fodder for the 'why did I do that?' file. Take, for instance, these examples sent to me via email from friends during the most recent MR:

Tried to start my car this morning by putting the key in the seat belt slot.

I was going to put a pre-written $99 check in a door payment slot, but I almost inserted a $20 bill instead.

Sorting through my car's glove compartment looking for an important paper only to locate it 10 minutes later in my mouth where I was temporarily holding it while searching.

I was using a hair dryer but noticed my hair wasn't getting dry. Then I looked in the mirror. It helps to point the device towards your head instead of away from it.

Never wrap your 'popped-off' molar crown in a tissue and then just stuff it in your purse...because sooner or later you will clean out your purse and think the tissue is used and without thinking you'll discard it.

That, in fact, should be the buzz word for Mercury retrograde: WITHOUT THINKING!

By far, the most frustrating part of this particular MR for me was the 'dreaded computer dilema.' That's code for "please, just shoot me." My nearly 2-year-old netbook got a virus and over the course of a week decided to eventually give up the ghost. Of course stuff like this only happens to me when I have no funds to buy another outright. Since my connection to the internet was also embedded in this device, so too did my ability to access the web, die. So I frantically drive to my internet provider store to see if they can transfer my 2 remaining months under contract with them to a different computer. Pretty simple, eh? NOT! All they want to do is 'upgrade me', thus creating a totally new 2-year contract that I didn't want or need. By the way, since my provider no longer provides 'unlimited' monthly access I would be paying up the Yin-Yang from now until eternity for the amount I formerly used. WHAT? Perish the thought. Read my lips; that isn't what I asked for.

So I packed up my beleaguered puter and my meager budget and set out on uncharted waters. I promptly traveled to another internet provider store and within 10 minutes had a 3G/4G- capable USB plug-in antenna with UNLIMITED access. Take THAT former internet provider customer service!

Feeling a sense of relief was only temporary, though, as I went home to resuscitate 1 of 2 other laptops that were, heretofore, declared deceased by 2 highly-trained computer professionals that specialize in diagnosing the 'dead.' Somehow I was able to resurrect one but my fingers are crossed. For some reason the letter 'L' on the keyboard is slightly higher than the rest of the keys so if I don't hold my hands just so over it lthen llllllllllllllllll my ltyping wouldl lin all actualllity loolk like thisl! After playing musical chairs with the 3 laptops I owned, plus 2 I didn't and many hours of troubleshooting interspersed with very colorful language that only drunken sailors use...I finally have a system that works (I think)...

Never a dulll moment with Merclury reltroglrade!

©2011 Debbie Ballard