Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2012: Week Six

Wow! Can it really be 35 years ago that I stood in line for 5 hours in order to watch the first 'Star Wars' movie? The line of people wrapped around the movie theater several times must have looked like a coiled snake as seen from above. Standing in line in July in San Antonio, Texas is not what I'd necessarily describe as a 'picnic' either. The Century South 6 theater was relatively state-of-the-art back in 1977, as I remember. The movie 'Star Wars' was the most amazing combination of cinematography and special effects we had ever seen back then.

This week I donned a pair of high tech 3D recycle shades and didn't have to wait even 2 minutes to catch all the action thanks to the pre-pay convenience of Fandango. 'The Phantom Menace' appeared on the big screen larger than life, while I rocked in  an over-stuffed stadium seat complete with drink holder, munching on peanut M&Ms.

I fully expect that 35 years from now I will be watching another version of the same saga on some new-fangled technology of the future, probably accessed completely out of thin air with a variety of interactive endings to select.  All the while, though, I will be fondly remembering the 'cinnamon rolls' hairdo of Princess Leia from that first movie back in 1977. Check out 'Hardware Wars' on YouTube for a tongue-in-cheek parody on the original movie. It might be just be goofy enough to make you smile.

©2012 Debbie Ballard (text only)

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