Sunday, July 14, 2013

Out of the blue

I've never seen a single episode of the television program 'Glee,' although I have heard of it. I was not aware of the character Finn Hudson or the actor who portrayed him, Cory Monteith, who was unfortunately found deceased in a Vancouver, Canada hotel just on July 13th. Since I didn't know of him I also could not have known his date of birth which turns out to be quite a significant date for me, personally. Yet, all these factors came together specifically earlier mid-week before his death for me when I was following an inexplicable urge to find and listen to a particular song on YouTube.

The name of that song was "I'll Stand By You," and you can hear this beautiful melody with the poignant lyrics by clicking on Cory's haunting version that is within this article. When I found myself searching for this song I had no idea what the name of it was nor the name of the original performers nor any subsequent performers. In fact, I'm also pretty certain that I wasn't even aware of this song when it was first made popular in 1994 by the Pretenders (which was inspired by the melody by Johann Sebastian Bach's 'A Lover's Concerto-Minuet in G major'.) However, having won a scholarship for violin in my younger days, I was definitely aware of the song by Bach.

At any rate, when searching for this song, I listened to several versions by different artists for quite some time and kept sensing a type of 'melancholy' associated with it. I only had a few lyrics and stanzas to go by that were in my memory.  But even though I enjoyed listening to all these different renditions, I wasn't quite finding exactly what it was that I was seeking out. Perhaps because I never listened to any version that was performed by a male. Ultimately, I had to abandon this search as other tasks in the day became more pressing. So the matter went unresolved.

Was this an episode of precognition of Cory's untimely death? A tachyon, perhaps? An uncanny premonition? Subliminal awareness? Synchronicity?  Evidence of the string theory?

You be the judge.

©2013 Debbie Ballard

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Totally amazing!!!