Thursday, March 26, 2020

Auditory Bliss

Ok,  I admit it. I will spend hours and hours on YouTube perusing all types of music just to find something that so moves me emotionally that I want to jump right out of my skin and just BE the emotion itself that I am listening to. (insert Exhale here) I want it to touch every fiber of my being succinctly in a 'wild abandon' type of way. My heart, my mind, my soul and my spirit all must be engaged and coalesce so that all my senses crescendo at once under the spell of such auditory bliss. Just think 'love on steroids' and that will give you the perfect metaphor for what these beautiful creative musical expressions can do to you holistically. Here is just a small sample of the plethora of choices out there from talented artists from all over the world (or perhaps out of this world, too.) Enjoy the bliss!

Tom Day....Peaks

Tom Day...Who We Want To Be

Rufus Du Sol...Innerbloom

Alpha 9...Come Home (Intro Re-edit)

Bluesolar...Believe in Me (Chill Out Mix)

Jerome Isma ae...Underwater Love

Oleg Byonic...Away (Forgotten)


Chrome Sparks...Still Think

Jean Luc Ponty...Stay With Me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!