Monday, June 20, 2011


Had it not been for getting a new phone I would have never known about this gem of a sultry, steamy, scintillating song by Samantha James...absolutely perfect for the Summer Solstice. At the point that a melody or lyrics captures my interest, often times I will listen to it over and over again, taking in all the melodic flavors, layer upon layer...and THIS one is absolutely 'creme de la creme.' Combined with dreamy, soulmate-descriptive lyrics, James resonates the fine-tuned vibrational harmonics that crescendo between two great souls, and places them deep inside one's heart in true poetic form. My gosh, this is all-around one heck of a compelling dance track for your spirit!

This song is rated FIVE 'OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD' STARS

(By the way, the entire album sounds absolutely professionally delicious and is something that is well worth the price...check out 'Waves of Change' for another mesmerizing experience)

Listen to the 'Subconscious' track here:

'Subconscious' can be found, appropriately, on the OM Records label:

Picture Credit: Samantha James/OM Records

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In plain sight

Look closely and you will find a Killdeer perched discreetly on a nest, in a median, in the middle of a busy strip mall, no less! It amazes me how these clever birds select not only high-traffic areas but ones directly on the ground. At first I wanted to post a sign so that their abode wouldn't be accidentally stepped on, but instead I just drive by every day to see if their little cozy habitat is still intact, and it is. At first I left some grains/seeds, but then with investigation found out that these are gourmet avian types who prefer insects. I decided to leave well enough alone and just observe, which was a better idea altogether. They come up with an ingenious way to divert anyone or anything that violates 'their space', anyway, which you can read about in a previous post from 2005 on this blog. Yes, it took 6 years before I saw another Killdeer! Both the male and female actively participate in the incubation of their young. Miracles of wonder exist all around us all the time, if we would but take the time to look to really see them...

Here's a video of these interesting little guys;

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


As I watched my youngest receive a diploma for a second discipline in college, my memory wafted back to my own high school graduation of 40 years ago. I couldn’t help thinking that ‘commencement’ is, indeed, an appropriate ceremonial label because it can be looked upon as either an ending or as a beginning, depending on one’s personal perspective. All those who have come this far to earn this honor are, at this moment, filled with exhilarating hopes and aspirations for their own respective futures. They have worked diligently to get to this point and they deserve our recognition and heartfelt congratulations for their splendid achievements.
There’s just one thing that’s really bothering me: the challenges this 2011 graduating class faces are nothing short of ENORMOUS.

Brave optimism, nevertheless, has to face this harsh reality of the world we live in head-on. Good, wishful intentions aside, this is going to take a lot of doggone hard work, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Sadly, I don’t think this will be easy as my dear graduate faces:

Unemployment hovering near double digits for the young and inexperienced (as well as, the older and experienced)

The dilemma of quality, affordable health care and the diminishing of needed pharmaceuticals that are produced

Catastrophic and deadly new microbes that are the result of mass production or chemical overuse without any oversight or inspection

Financial instability causing mass foreclosures of home ownership or businesses that fail (if they even had a chance to begin in the first place)

A crumbling, infra-structure in need of maintenance 2 years ago, let alone now

Increased costs for the essentials of daily living such as food and fuel

Severe reductions in necessary and altruistic services such as education, parks and recreation, mass transit, postal delivery, garbage collection, etc., etc., etc.

Catastrophic natural disasters of epidemic proportions: floods, fires, massive storms of destruction causing untold amounts of costs

Wars within our social structures we cannot afford and wars outside of our borders we cannot afford

Can the graduating class of 2011 stand up to all these severe challenges? They have no choice! Despite the current shaky circumstances, I dare predict that by going through these very impositions together, they will be stimulated into a new ‘call to action’…the foundation of which becomes rock-solid. I am undeniably confident in the belief of my graduate’s capability to capture the elusive wind of opportunity, and to pilot the course of life’s sailboat directly onto the much yearned-for and desired shore of success.

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's all about the bean...

When you think about it, it’s all about the proverbial bean. Starting from it’s elegant genetic beginnings, to it’s pure environmental sustenance, to it’s careful curative roasting and finally to the manner in which it is brewed… all these steps encompass the journey that must be traveled in order for coffee to be presented for your mere indulgence.

For an everyday brew, my choice has long been Seattle’s Best Coffee, but this by no means is to say it is ‘ordinary.’ If you should desire supremely smooth flavor coupled with the perfect aromatic experience, then this ‘cup of Joe’ is for you. The marriage of these two sensations creates the sophisticated ambiance, of indeed, the perfect cup. It’s not caffeine that is producing such stimuli, but rather just one darn good cup of java! You could correctly call this the quintessential ‘ nectar of the Gods’ for the common man.

Speaking of the divine, when life calls for the extraordinary, I make a direct bee-line for the 52% Ephemere dark chocolate mocha at my local Dilettante café. If bliss could manifest itself, the point at which this exquisite elixir first contacts your taste buds would be the catalyst. Pure, unadulterated seduction it surely is. Caution: do not imbibe this concoction unless you want to experience uncomparable rapturous perfection that gently swirls your spirit high in to the ethereal realms.

Although I loved the smell of fresh-brewed percolated coffee in the morning when I was young, it wasn’t until I was the ripe old age of 28 that I actually partook of the beverage. A sipping pleasure located somewhere between conversation and inspiration is relatively the norm now. I do like to think that as I have matured and gained wisdom over time, so too, has my aquired taste developed in to the wondrous domain of novice coffee aficionado that I have become today. The genie is now out of the magic lamp. Simple pleasures are, most often times, the very best.

©2011 Debbie Ballard

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Wow, time flies

Here's a picture of me from 30 years ago...the wind in my hair, salt air in my nostrils, holding on for dear life to the railing during my first ferry ride across the Puget Sound...can you see the seagull gracefully floating behind and the Space Needle and Seattle skyline in the distance?

Even though 3 decades have passed, this plum has not turned in to a dried up old prune...mainly due to my odd sense of humor, I think. When you live the life that I lead it's better to laugh. I recently attended an informative 4-day astrological conference. During one of the lectures from a most beloved sage of a instructor, in order to demonstrate a point he blew bubbles...yep, the kind you were absolutely thrilled about when you were 5. These were special bubbles, though, because they refused to dissipate and lingered all around the room. Liquid plastic air sacs, anyone?

Later, while doing some research on Twitter, sheer providence brought me to a picture of those bubbles that had been taken by another attendee unbeknown to me. Included in the picture was the lower half of my body sitting attentively in a chair. I recognized myself because my feet were dangling in the sitting position because of my shorter stature. That should have been the focus, but unfortunately I was aghast that it was my bubble butt that would make me famous across all of Twitterdom and the world-wide web. Alas, I am now known for my substantial derriere throughout the entire known virtual universe. Nothing is forever? You wanna make a bet? And not even digitally enhanced! Move over Jennifer Lopez. Gives new meaning to that wonderful classical astrological book 'Born On A Rotten Day'...

©2011 Debbie Ballard