Look closely and you will find a Killdeer perched discreetly on a nest, in a median, in the middle of a busy strip mall, no less! It amazes me how these clever birds select not only high-traffic areas but ones directly on the ground. At first I wanted to post a sign so that their abode wouldn't be accidentally stepped on, but instead I just drive by every day to see if their little cozy habitat is still intact, and it is. At first I left some grains/seeds, but then with investigation found out that these are gourmet avian types who prefer insects. I decided to leave well enough alone and just observe, which was a better idea altogether. They come up with an ingenious way to divert anyone or anything that violates 'their space', anyway, which you can read about in a previous post from 2005 on this blog. Yes, it took 6 years before I saw another Killdeer! Both the male and female actively participate in the incubation of their young. Miracles of wonder exist all around us all the time, if we would but take the time to look to really see them...
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