When you think about it, it’s all about the proverbial bean. Starting from it’s elegant genetic beginnings, to it’s pure environmental sustenance, to it’s careful curative roasting and finally to the manner in which it is brewed… all these steps encompass the journey that must be traveled in order for coffee to be presented for your mere indulgence.
For an everyday brew, my choice has long been Seattle’s Best Coffee, but this by no means is to say it is ‘ordinary.’ If you should desire supremely smooth flavor coupled with the perfect aromatic experience, then this ‘cup of Joe’ is for you. The marriage of these two sensations creates the sophisticated ambiance, of indeed, the perfect cup. It’s not caffeine that is producing such stimuli, but rather just one darn good cup of java! You could correctly call this the quintessential ‘ nectar of the Gods’ for the common man.
Speaking of the divine, when life calls for the extraordinary, I make a direct bee-line for the 52% Ephemere dark chocolate mocha at my local Dilettante café. If bliss could manifest itself, the point at which this exquisite elixir first contacts your taste buds would be the catalyst. Pure, unadulterated seduction it surely is. Caution: do not imbibe this concoction unless you want to experience uncomparable rapturous perfection that gently swirls your spirit high in to the ethereal realms.
Although I loved the smell of fresh-brewed percolated coffee in the morning when I was young, it wasn’t until I was the ripe old age of 28 that I actually partook of the beverage. A sipping pleasure located somewhere between conversation and inspiration is relatively the norm now. I do like to think that as I have matured and gained wisdom over time, so too, has my aquired taste developed in to the wondrous domain of novice coffee aficionado that I have become today. The genie is now out of the magic lamp. Simple pleasures are, most often times, the very best.
©2011 Debbie Ballard
1 comment:
I think you hit the bean on the money!! .... or is it the money on the bean? With a 200% markup on coffee, its still one of the few ecomonic sustaining biz at this time! Love it!
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