Holding a petite, innocent, beautifully-constructed newborn in your arms fills the psyche with the amazing wonderment about how far each individual develops within an entire lifespan. Most every parent feels this way no matter what flag their child is wrapped in. My husband's great granddaughter shown here was born in my birth month that I share with both my paternal and maternal grandmothers. This year those ladies would have been ages 145 and 120 years old, respectively, had their cycle of life lasted longer. What wisdom could they have imparted to this brand new, precious life? Being born under the sign of the (water) Dragon myself, I feel a special affinity with this particular new year that began on the 23rd...yet I am unsure if I am of the Yin or Yang variety. One source tells me Yin while another completely refutes that and indicates Yang. Regardless, the pendulum of life swings back and forth, like a lullaby in diurnal motion, completing the cycle for generation: next.

Photo Credit: Choo Yut Shing
Debbie Ballard (text only)
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