Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Turn the page

Change. In my lifetime I have been brought to it sometimes kicking and screaming and other times having no choice but to surrender all because of it. But mostly now, with the wisdom of age, I have learned to embrace it. To me it represents a new chapter in life to discover,  a new lesson to learn or a new story to be told.

Whether what's coming next involves tragedy, romance, fantasy or exclusively a recounted memoir depends mostly upon my reaction to the change. How I feel after each life chapter has been completed will determine whether or not I participate in the next chapter, skip ahead a few or put the book down altogether. The beauty of this is that if I select the latter, there are an infinite amount of other inspired writings to choose from out there. The key is to find one that keeps your spirit engaged in reading whatever comes next with enthusiastic zeal.

If it's time to change to a new 'book' for you, don't be surprised if it occurs around the May 9-10 solar eclipse in Taurus. An old cycle, that started on May 10, 1994, is about to come to a close. How you react to this transition, will determine how the next chapter is written, by you...the author.

©2013 Debbie Ballard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A short but sweet article - very thoughtful and true! You never fail to amaze me little sister.
Love from - Judi