Saturday, July 06, 2019


Hey...nothing says "welcome to California" better than back-to-back earthquakes...unprecedented! Given the 6.4 magnitude quake on Independence Day and last night's 7.1 shaker, I decided it was time to take stock of my emergency supplies tub. When I lived in WA,  I experienced 4 good shakers in 40 years, so I was stocked with stored water and ample wood for cooking outdoors, along with all the equipment and items to be self-sufficient for awhile. But since I had moved to CA on June 1, the only thing I had done was move the emergency supplies tub to an area that it could be easily accessed. In light of the last few days' events, I got busy today and got both my home and car prepared. Thats one of the keys to preparedness...DO IT NOW, NOT LATER! There are tons of lists out there to help you prepare for any kind of disaster, but I would like to suggest 5 items that I think are must-haves:

1. A flashlight that you shake to generate power
2. A portable radio that you hand-crank for power
3. A water filter that you can literally drink from any 
kind of water source out in the field
4. A well-stocked First Aid kit (mine can supply 25 people)
5. Flint, matches or any other kind of fire-generating implements

I hope my small list is enough to get you inspired to create your own disaster preparedness kit or tub. Stay safe out there.

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