Monday, April 15, 2013

Running from fear

The volatile explosions that befell the Boston Marathon today remind us, once again, that protection and safety can be stripped away from us within an instant...when and where we least expect it. However, there is a way to know what to be prepared for, even before events like these occur.
Remote viewing (RV) is a systematic way to look at future events such as this. And even if we may not like or have control over that which we actually see using RV, at least we can possibly be 'ready'.

Take for instance:

the 2011 Japanese Tsunami/Nuclear Disaster
the H7N9 (and other) bird flu strains
the honeybee colony collapse
the emergence of a 'rust' fungus on certain plants
the economic collapse

These topics (and many more) have all been remote viewed years in advance before they actually occurred by Ed Dames and his team of RV professionals. Thousands of his students from all over the world have attended workshops & lectures over the past several years, but none have been so important as the Killshot Update Events of 2013. In order to be 'ready' for upcoming occurrences, 2 more of these events are planned for later this year in September & October.

Ed has taken on the monumental task of trying to inform as many people as possible who would heed his advice on what they can do to preserve their way of life for themselves and their loved ones when the inevitable (and RV-predicted) happens. 'To be forewarned is to be forearmed' seems to be the adage he is living by in trying to impart his RV future event knowledge to his fellow man (and woman). To learn more, please go to:

There, you can procure free DVDs that will show you all too familiar events of our current era and the consequences, thereof. You can also sign up for the upcoming Live events or purchase DVDs to learn how to remote view at home...or you can read the community forum that is teaming with many years' worth of invaluable RV instruction information.

At any rate, whatever your interest is in the multitude of RV ready.

©2013 Debbie Ballard

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